Get Involved!

Pezzati_welcomeHow can I help out?

The Archives Month Philly is a volunteer-led effort. We’re always looking for additional help brainstorming new ideas, coordinating with event hosts, spreading the word about Archives Month, as well as assistance with the website and various social media channels. If you’d like to help with this year’s program, we’d love to have you! Just send us an email at

How can my institution get involved?

There are two big ways your institution can be involved: By working with us to create a “centerpiece event”; and by coordinating your independent events with the Archives Month Philly calendar. Some additional details:

What do we mean by “centerpiece events”?

Centerpiece events involve multiple institutions and are intended to stand out as highlights of the month-long festival. AMP volunteers play a strong role in developing the 3-5 centerpiece events per season, which in the past have included Philadelphia History Quizzo and the Lantern Slide Salon at the Wagner Free Institute of Science. To learn more about this year’s centerpiece events and how you can participate, email us at

What do we mean by “coordinated independent event”?

The majority of the Archives Month Philly calendar is filled with events developed independently by local institutions and submitted for inclusion in the Archives Month Philly program. All events are featured on the Archives Month Philly website and promoted through our social media channels, as well as other publicity materials. All archives-related events during the month of October are welcome. To add your event to our calendar, just complete our event form. (Tip: When scheduling your event, you may wish to check the Calendar first to see what else is happening that week and avoid timing conflicts.) The information you provide will be used on our website and other promotional materials.

Why should my institution get involved?

In 2018, the Archives Month Philly program drew over 800 attendees to events at about 25 archives, libraries, and cultural institutions throughout the greater Philadelphia region. This is a great chance to show off what you have, build new audiences, increase access to your holdings. It’s also a really good time.

Need inspiration for an Archives Month event? Check out our website for information on our previous years’ events, which have included tours, workshops, screenings, exhibits, lectures, and much more. Don’t feel restricted to these formats – Archives Month is all about coming up with new ways to generate excitement around archives! Have an idea for an event that doesn’t match these categories? Want to suggest something we haven’t thought of? We’d love to hear about it!

For additional information on Archives Month Philly, help developing an event, and other questions, email us at